[260] A new day has dawned~♪ (temporarily) - 2007/02/04 (Sun)
Went to the hospital,
took the medicine,
got an injection,
ate a meal,
sweated plenty,
finally, I'm completely healthy again, my strength has returned!
I met the morning quite refreshed.
I was in a great mood, humming the title tune.
I even ate breakfast, and then tried taking my temperature,
thinking, well, it'll only validate my feelings, I'm cured...
Heeheehee, heeheehee, well now, what's my temperature~♪
'Gyaaaaa!! 39 degress-----!!!' *
Iyeee~ I practically fainted from the shock. (^^;)
I had to get to the hospital from the swift shock attack. (^_^)
'It's influenza, so we'll prescribe you some Tamiflu.'
This time, I do seem better. (^^;) My fever's gone just fine.
I'm really sorry to worry you. m(._.)m
They prescribed a fever medicine that's effective on influenza, too,
so, with a little luck, I'll get some relief from this bouncing fever.
After this, I'm getting some nutrition into my body, and going firmly to bed.
Of course, except for this time, I don't usually go to the hospital when I get a fever.
Usually my high fevers last a week or so.
That is to say, every time I get influenza...
With things like that for me, there aren't any effective cold remedies, just a completely self-made cure. (^_^)
Everyone, even if you think it's just a cold, get an influenza exam.
Uh, and please forgive my runny nose. (^_^)
P.S. The February 24th Chimaera-crew sponsered
national dancing tournament "street dance contest" is coming~
Advance ticket sales end on the 16th,
so if you're going to get one, please hurry.
This time, we've got a lot of dancers entered,
so I think we'll see an extremely hot battle unfold.
It's cold weather, but everyone'll be in the Fukuoka BEAT STATION
so it'll be the hottest place in the whole country!!
Check it out!! (^_^)
[ * that would be 102.2 degrees...
** i just want to point out cute errors. YOU, baby, station is s-t-a-t-i-o-n, not s-t-a-s-i-o-n. ]
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