09 July 2007

[405] Hikonyan? - 2007/07/09 (Mon)

According to my friend,
it's all the rage in Kansai lately,
but have any of you heard of it?
I guess it's a mascot character for Hikone Castle. *

My friend says, 'It's all kinds of popular~'
If it really is popular, this will be its national debut, maybe. (^_^)

Since I started this HP, thanks to Daikon-san,
I've gradually turned into some kind of fancy good critic. (^_^)
There really are a lot of different characters, aren't there~

'Hikonyan' huh... This is the first I've heard of him.
I'm sure I'll see him sooner or later in Tokyo though.

'Marimokkori' from Hokkaido is completely nationwide already, after all. (^_^)
No one can guess what the impact will be. (^_^)

Hikonyan, go for it. (^_^)

P.S. Speaking of, the other day was the Festival of the Weaver, wasn't it... I completely forgot. (bwahahah) **

[ * Hikone Castle is a castle/tower in Shiga prefecture. it is a designated national treasure, and traces its origin to 1603.
** quite ironic considering that the festival of the weaver, also called the star festival, is a day where you pray for your child's creative and artistic development. bwahahah indeed.
also, the name hikonyan is a combo of the castle's name and the japanese onomatopoeia for meow. so there ya go. nya~ ]

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