12 November 2007

[500] Ume Sake - 2007/11/13 (Tue)

A surprising number of people make umeshu at home, huh? So I say, but I think my grandmother used to pickle some things, too, in the old days.

Today, as a surprise for you, the drinker, (^_^) I think I'd like to introduce Umeshu.

Umeshu has a strong sweet image, and as far as heavy boozers go, they shouldn't drink too much of it.

Society is having a Shouchuu boom these days, and so I think sweet sakes are gradually being weeded out.

To you who doesn't drink Umeshu, we say, 'How can it be so good for you... when it tastes so sweet!' (^_^) *

Definitely give this 'Plum Sake' a try. Until a few years ago, this Umeshu stuff seems to have been something of a rarity outside of wholesalers and restaurants.

With the sourness and richness of the first mouthful, I thought, Mm? What is this? but with the encouragement of those around me to keep drinking, I soon became a slave to this flavor. (^_^)

This sourness, aroma, and the good flavor that is born from Japanese sake, it gave a feeling that this was definitely 'Plum Sake.' This item is also suitable for use in cooking. (^_^)

Maaan, I've been on an Umeshu kick lately, and I've been drinking all kinds of Umeshu, but Umeshu truly is deep. And I'm safe from hangovers. (^_^)

For people who don't like sour things, I'll introduce some sweet things another time.

Sake is the remedy for myriad ills, but please be careful of excessive drinking. (^_^) I should probably tell that to myself... (bwahahah)

P.S. I seem to be getting a lot of pleasure from my day job. (*grin*) Kurozu Power, it is, Kurozu. (^_^)

[ * yuu's decided to go advertising writer on us today, so i've tried to double it, but i suck at ad language, so you'll just have to imagine. thank you. (^^') ]


Anonymous said...

LOOOL you gotta love him...:-)

雪の華 said...

Is it me or do you guys feel as if he's high... on all those sakes? xD
HMMM~ Isn't his current day job recording with Satan? I wonder what "pleasure" he got from his day job...... o_o;;

meredeth said...

HRM indeed! (*mad blushies as i image in gratuitous detail*) (^_^)