15 December 2007

[523] The Line Up - 2007/12/16 (Sun)

I got nothing but alcohol the other day. (^_^) The picture doesn't even cover it all, either. (^_^)

Man~ How many months will I be drinking for? (^_^) Or maybe how many days in a row... (^^;)

Does everybody here like shochu? As for me, I started on beer, and I've wondered all over the place, with umeshu, shochu, awamori, wine, Japanese sake, malt, bourbon, cocktails, brandy, (^_^) but I've been solely on umeshu and shochu for a couple of years now.

In the beginning, I thought potatos weren't worth drinking, but they became worth drinking after KumoKirishima, natural cultivation, Mitake, and the Festival of the Weaver. Up to this point, I've tried about 100 varieties, I think.

Even some kinds of alcohol are rich, and shochu, too, is quite rich. *

Ah, for people who thought the 'Junguro, unfilitered' I introduced earlier was tasty, they're proper connoisseurs. (^_^) On the day I drank it diluted with water, that was a whonk. (^_^)

For tuber beginners, there is 'Umi' 'Tominohouzan' and 'Mogura.' It's pretty easy to drink potatoes.

Actually, even during a break today at work, you might be able to have a cup and a lie down. (^_^)

Everyone be careful of overdrinking, though~ Giving your body a break is important too~

Well then well then, it's cold outside, but please pass the holidays with heart-warming times.

P.S. I know a lot of people who go by the 'One Day, One Meal' plan (^_^) but although you certianly will become thin, I really couldn't do it, I just don't have the endurance. (^^;) Everyone, diets in moderation, too~

[ * he literally says 'deep' here, but it's more like how we would say wine is full-bodied or has a nice bouquet or something. yuu apparently likes the ones that keep his taste buds working hard. ]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One day, one meal is very bad for you! Them Japanese will go to any length. :\