10 August 2008

What Happens in Vegas (2008.8.7 01:43)

Err, no picture this time (^^;) I went to a premium private preview meeting in Roppongi Hills. * Of course, with That Guy... (^_^)

Before the curtain lifted, I was introduced to Ashton-san and those guys, but man~ Hollywood stars are always such lovely people. (*joy*)

So, it's the essential subject of the movie, but it's been a while since I've had my heart squeezed. (^_^) Not that I rarely see romances, but I enjoyed this one right through to the end.

It wouldn't be mistaken to recommend this movie for this summer. (^_^) Everyone please be sure to check it out.

Well then well then, I return to the surging waves of the days once more. (^^;)

[ * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roppongi_Hills ]


Anonymous said...

what movie is he talking about? not bunraku is it? i did not think ashton was in it......so confused!

Anonymous said...

Gackt, You and Ashton Kutcher. We all saw that one coming O.o

Anonymous said...

'That person' must be Gakkun, eh~~?
hihihi, funny how YOU-kun doesn't say 'Gackt' just like that~ Woow, lucky-lucky! I must watch Gackt's new movie~ I'll wait though (^^; )
Ah well, no pictures [*sad*]


Anonymous said...

totally hilarious "with That Guy" heheheh! poor Gackt...he's now just 'That Guy' fufufu.

Anonymous said...

Gyaah. You really is just adorable.

I love how Gackt drags him around everywhere. xD Even now, he still does it.

Thank you so much for translating these. I only found this site the other day, and I spent a whole day reading back to 2006. ._.

Rawaliern said...

For your information: Ashton Kutcher is husband Demi Moore... so, he talking about Bunraku I thing ^___^

meredeth said...

he is speaking of What Happens in Vegas, ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/What_Happens_in_Vegas ) which was showing at roppongi hills that week (http://www.roppongihills.com/en/monthly_event/2008_08.html#13 ).