25 September 2008

The Long Autumn Nights... (2008.9.25 02:42)

When I thought lately, I could use some refreshing, wasn't it already past the Autumn Equinox. (^^;)

It feels like there's been some kind of time slip since summer...

So, I've been enlisting daily, as ever. (^_^) And didn't I say I'd do my best until the amino vital flatlines?

Eeyeah, that point is a long ways off... I've been drinking two bags a day. (^^;)

Seems I bought a little too much. (^_^)

The tour this time is a Murder Schedule (^^;) so every morning I enlist, telling myself, you can climb over this light Billy stuff like it was nothin'!

But man~ it is so so intense... (^_^)

I'm hoping that by the time I'm our of these amino vitals, my flab will be annihilated,

and then I can truly spit out that one word, 'VICTORY!!' (^_^)

Well then well then~

P.S. Those community photographs... Definitely people from Planet Glasses... (bwahahah) *

* [ yes, i believe those would be the gackt-and-dears staff blog photos after all. i'm pretty sure every single person in that photo is wearing glasses of some kind... ]


Anonymous said...

I think he means the photos of Gackt Job on Gackt's community site staff blog: http://www.gackt-and-dears.com/free/staffblog/

Thanks for the translations, as always ^_^

Anonymous said...

Maybe he's talking about the pics in the staff blog of Gackt and Dears community ?
