19 March 2009

A Gourmet Journey (^_^) (2009.3.18 00:56)

This time, our trip to the north was delicious, so I ate as much as I liked of everything they gave me. (^_^)

And then the convenience store material. (^_^)

It's been about a week, so it's a big effort to rebound now. (^^;) Maaan, fear Hokkaido, of course... (^_^)

The live was another rush, and the food was delicious too, and there was my first slide on the snowboard ... (^_^)

I firmly enjoyed my time in Hokkaido. (^_^) The highest point in the north!! (^_^)

Next time I have to try one of these. (^_^)


Anonymous said...

what is in the can he is holding at the end?

meredeth said...

i don't really know. some kind of drink. it just says mokkori power! across the front there, so there's not really any clue about what kind of drink. maybe some aphrodesiac drink! (^_^)

Vala said...

XD Whaaat ... In Platinum Box IX they ate the same things!!! I remember the chiken and I clearly saw him (You-kun) taking picture of the soup! But that was a couple of monts ago. May be he just ordered the same stuff XD Or is he trying to play a trick on us with old pics? XD
Anyway Thank you for the translations ^_^