21 May 2009

Rehearsal Rehearsal Rehearsal (2009.5.21 20:27)

The arena days approaches, you know.

I'm stuffed into my studio as usual. (^^;) We had rehearsal the other day, so I headed out to music store for the first time in a while, with the exception of CD stores. (^_^)

Pro studios's ceilings are always surprisingly high, and really wide. Well, it's a rehearsal for the stage, so it's natural of course, but still.

Sometimes it makes me nostalgic for the 6-jou rooms of Machi Star. * For when I used to tromp back and forth with a guitar strapped to my back.

These days there could be an explosion and I still wouldn't leave the house.

Well, no matter how much I longed for Machi Star,

frankly, I've got so much equipment now that I can't possibly carry it all by myself. (^_^)

Although, this is compact, for tour usage, traveling resources. My house is full up with recording items and machines I never use.

So, we earnestly rehearse, but even though it's broken up over several days, it is intense... (^^;)

Completely put down. (^^;)

When these tours are over, I'll drop weight in a flash, and then I'll really give a happy shout. (^_^) but my body weight decreases with my stamina. (^^;)

Body weight → as before, stamina → as before... So they say...

Is it the commander's turn? (^_^) For the second time this week, I'm tentatively enlisting in Satan's boot camp. (^_^)

Yeah, thanks for the daily muscle pain.

Well then well then everyone...

Please do somee good sweating yourselves, okay? (^_^)

[ * 6 jou = about 10 square meters. ]


Anonymous said...

LOL. Satan's Boot Camp. I wouldn't last very long there, I'm sure. D:

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for translating this. I been having a really bad week with DirectTV, regret getting.

Enough about my problems.

thanks again

Also what is a Machi Star, do you happen to know.

It's cute seeing MR. You lieing on the floor.


Vala said...

Satan's boot camp ... I want this on DVD!!!!! XD
And You doesn't have to tell me twice about the sweating - my friend lives on 13th floor and I took the stairs today ^^;; X) what am I doin' because of/for You =^^=
10x for the translation!!

meredeth said...

as far as i can tell, Machi Star (is a sort of national talent show, where they have a little booth that they set up around town (machi = town/city) and have people perform in. i found their website ( http://www.tmo-toyama.com/matistar/ ) but it doesn't give a whole lot of info. unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of information on the internets about it, and i've never heard of it before. if anybody else knows, speak up! (^_^)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for explaining Machhi star for me.

When Mr You refers to the commander, he's talkingabout his Billy Blanks DVd's right?


meredeth said...

yeah, he's referencing the difficulty (or as YOUkun might put it, the intensity) of those billy dvds as being similar to the intensity of Gackt's stage rehearsals. poor dude, he must like pain. (^_^)