29 June 2009

Tenmusu... (2009.6.29 22:45)

As always, thank you for your many congratulatory words.

Somehow, with so much fatigue, and I haven't slept in I can't remember, it warped forward three days. (^^;)

Hey, isn't today's date weird? Don't you think... (*big (^^;) *)

The live, of course, a great success, with the rush, came a firm helping of tenmusu. (^_^)

Of course, you might say that four arena lives in one week isn't normal. (*big (^^;) *) I ate so many of them, and straight whole, too,

of course it was 'It's more intense than intense!!' (^_^)

There's three left, so I'm going to put my fighting and loving spirit firmly on.

Well then well then~

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