09 March 2010


i swear i'm not dead. i'm moving. it may be a long minute here, folks, but i'm coming back. just, maybe not until april. sorry. (^^;)



Anonymous said...

Have fun moving. I know how stressful that is. I hope your move goes smoothly.

We will miss you but I look forward to your return.


Unknown said...

Take your time, eagerly awaiting your return and translations. :)

Celly said...

Hope you like your new place, and that nothing gets lost on the way or in the packing boxes. My cousin lost her cat when moving the other day, and it turned out to be in a box in the storage building. It was alive, thankfully, and perfectly healthy now.

meredeth said...

@celly : oh my gosh! that's a) funny, and b) horrible! good thing the cat's okay, that could've ended in tragedy. ^^;

@everybody : i am moved in, and my apartment is super shiny and awesome in everyway, but of course i had to unpack at least a few things, and then i had a distant friend come visit, blah blah blah, et real life cetera, so i'm catching up, if slowly. thanks for your patience everybody! you're so awesome! (^_^)