21 June 2006

[21] Still doing nothing - 2006/06/15 (Thu)

Another mistake... (T_T)
And how many times do I double-check before I upload.

I'll regroup my spirit, and
today I'll talk about the bath...

How long does everyone spend in the bath?
Some people take so long their skin gets all swollen,
some people take such a short time, it's like a dry bath.*
Well, of course there are all sorts of people, but
as often as possible, I recommend
bath time be
at least 20 minutes.

fill the tub with bath water until it is somewhere above your belly button and below your heart.
The water should be just warm. This is the so-called sitz bath.

Without fail,
before you get in, drink at least one glass of water.
If you bring in a PET bottle, that would do nicely.
After, there's nothing but waiting for the time to pass.
In my case, this is generally reading time.

After a little while, you'll start to perspire.
You won't be able to believe you could sweat so much in only 20 minutes.
You feel like, Ah~ It's a whole new body~

Generally, I spend between 20 minutes and an hour, but
if you're going to stretch it out, please get up and take a break so you don't overdo it.
People who've taken short baths until now won't stay in for a long time at first,
but little by little, please spend more and more time in the bath.

Really, the amount of sweat is amazing.
People who don't usually excercise enough should give it a try.
You'll be flexible just out of the bath, and flawless.
Your skin will be nice too~

By the way, my friend has had a sitz bath for more than an hour every day
from the beginning, and doesn't seem to get fat.

Your fatigue will disappear, and you'll lose weight, so you'll kill two birds with one stone.
Give it a try!

That's the YOU Diet Plan. (^^)

[ * yeah, that's pretty close, but it's not as literal as it could be. also, thoughts of YOU in the bathtub = happiness. O_O ]

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