30 December 2007

[538] Oh, right... - 2007/12/31 (Mon)

This is my announcement of this year's best three memories. They're private until the end, but...

First, at number 3...

'First Dance' (^_^) It was seriously stressful. (^^;) My head was filled with static. (^_^)

And at number 2...

'First Photography Exhibit' (A collaboration, but still) It was so great to meet everyone. (^_^) Someday, a one-man show!!

And the great number 1... Definitely!!

'Climbing Mt Fuji' (^_^) Maaaan, I am so glad I climbed it. It was really hard, but I want to climb it again next year, too. (^_^)

On the work front... Number 3 is 'Matsusaka Beef' (^_^) That was the best flavor of my life. (^_^) I'm so glad we did some stuff there... (^_^)

Number 2 I can't forget, 'Hakugin & Yasokai.' Let's make some splendid memories together next year, too.

And number one is of course 'Asia Concert.' Music crosses national borders. Thoughts are transmitted through sounds. That's what I felt in that moment.

Well, a few jokes mixed in (^_^) but they're mostly things like this I think. This year, too, we talked about all sorts of things, and got splendidly busy. (^_^)

Next year... Make no mistake, we'll be busy again, but. (^_^)

Well then well then, let's head for the red and white and relax for a while...

Let's make next year another good year filled with nice smiling faces. (^_^)

P.S. This Year's Drawer Fertilizer: (bwahahah) First, Billy. (^^;) Then there's the Wii..., oh yeah, and the PS3... (^^;) Maybe I'll get them out for New Years...? (^_^)

[ happy new year everybody! akemashite omedetou gozaimasu~ ]


Anonymous said...

happy new year!

Kyuuketsuki said...

XD yay!
[btw: typo-ness! *all sorts of ->things<-]
me is sorry if typos are one of the things i tend to notice XD