07 March 2009

Michinoku~ (2009.2.26 01:43)

A trip by myself~ ♫

It didn't happen, but still. (^_^)

We have safely completed round three~

Maaan, Michinoku is really hot. This area is is the greatest rush yet. (*joy*)

Everyone, truly, truly, thank you. (^_^)


I unleashed my good feelings out on the city too, and I was rather keen on those shiny neon lights~ (^_^) but there was that MC section (^_^) so

This time, cameraman Tsuka-san went out photographing, and he'd been wandering around by himself not having any midnight snacks, so it was a little rush for two silly adults. (^_^)

Of course, we didn't talk about anything but the blooming of flowers in photography lecture style. (^_^)

Man... That was really nice... Michinoku...

Still a little while left before we're back to the tour in a flash, so I shall go quietly to bed. (^^;)

Well then well then, everyone, please rest well~

[ jeez, minna, i am super sorry for not getting to these things sooner. my excuse? well, i do have to turn in a story for workshopping in three days, and this is the last two weeks of class, and i do have two custom order TARDIS books to make (one finally done, the other not yet started~) but really, i'm just kind of lazy. every time i looked at it, i thought, meh. anyhow, i'll have the next one at least up here super quick (coz it's already done) and i'll work on chacha-sama's birthday post (the one that's up there right now) probably tomorrow evening (coz we're taking a day trip tomorrow). gomen minna~ ]


Anonymous said...

Many thanks like aalways. I understand if you are little late. i read your school schedule. I am surprise you have time to do anything.


meredeth said...

heheh. me too, frankly. (^^;) thank god it's almost over. then i've got two glorious weeks of spring break before we start the whole crazy thing over again. (X_X)