28 August 2008

Krauser-san~ (^_^) (2008.8.28 03:42)

The other day, I went out to the streets for a while to stock up on machines. Man, it really has been a long while, that outside air. (^^;)

So, when I went out to specialist pro machine shops, as I always am, wh, what? It was unluckily a regular holiday... (^^;)

Yeah, I have completely no sense of what day of the week it is... (*major (^^;) *)

As a last resort I was going to give up, and well, by the time I finally reached town, I was a little wilted.

And then,

TADA!! (^_^)

Speaking of, it was opening soon. (^_^)

Thinking, Right, the running time's a little tight, but if I stand up for it, I can watch it fine~ I attacked. (^_^)

Man~ Krauser-san, he's really the best. (^_^) He had me laughing to my heart's content. It was a moment's relaxation from this babysitter's life... (^_^)

For people who have read the manga, it's definitely!! recommended.

Actually, it just noticed, it's '20th century shounen' (^_^)

Well then well then~

P.S. One month was the blink of an eye... Quickly... Still more to come... A long road...

Aa... Nothing but vegetables... Strength... waning... (bwahahah)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wanna watch that film!! Kenichi Matsuyama's in it! awww he's still babysitting ^_^

- Rain