30 January 2007

[205] Hot springs... - 2006/12/12 (Tue)

I wanted to go to one, but for various reasons,
I ended up playing darts instead. (^^;)

At the time, I was just glad it wasn't a punishment game. (heh)
Every time we play, I inevitably loose. I don't like punishment games. (^_^)

Why am I using my energy like this before a live, though... (^_^)
I better plug myself in pretty soon. (^_^)
First though, a bath...

P.S. Tonight, too, let's have the best night.

[note: incidentally, has anyone else here seen Ouran koukou hosuto-bu? because i'm pretty sure they've ruined the phrase 'punishment game' for me. batsu ge-mu!]

[204] It's winter again, huh... - 2006/12/11 (Mon)

C, cold...

Actually, I'm still making preperations for winter. (^^;)
Of course, it felt like I was freezing to death anyway,
just in case, I brought a heater out from the closet, but still.
I'd change my wardrobe out for the season, but... I haven't gone to buy any winter clothes.

If not this week, than I seriously won't get to it before the new year. (^_^)

Well then, should probably get back to my steady trip preparations.
It'll be nice to get back to a warm place. (^_^)

[203] Once in a lifetime encounter (bwahahah) 2006/12/10 (Sun)

Yeah, of course I ate them.
With plenty of condensed milk. (^^;)

Don't you hate it when you get those grainy strawberries?
It's really too good for me... This kind of tasty. (^_^)

To me, fruits are in my BEST3 favorites.
I also like cake and strawberry shortcake. (^_^)

And it supplies my aching body with vitamin C. (just an excuse)

[a lover of strawberries... a man after my own heart! (^_^) ]

[202] Daikon Ring (^_^) - 2006/12/09 (Sat)

Guh... I, I can't move... (^_^)

Somehow, I made it safely through 3 public perfomances.
My whole body is in splendid pain. (^^;)

Even with this kind of muscle pain, though
I'm still moving around the studio.

So how am I getting steadily pudgier? (bwahahah)

Really, it was good for the parts I wasn't there... (^_^)

Well, it was simply overeating at the launch,
but isn't it that what excites the blood of every food fighter? (^_^)

If I keep this up, by the time the tour is over
I'll look like a kewpie. (^_^)

Oh woah woah woah... I pictured it. (^^;)
Starting tomorrow, it's a health regiment for me...

P.S. Usually my pinky ring.

[201] Fried Prawns!! - 2006/12/08 (Fri)

When did it become a Nagoya special...?
It's written down in grandiose pub menus
as 'Nagoya's special fried prawns.' (^_^)

Tenmusu, hitsumabushi, mitsukatsu, fried prawns, miso and udon stew, uirou, etc......
Nagoya has a lot of good stuff, huh?
Plus, all of it's tasty!

Actually, as for meals that I like,
tenmusu hits the spot.
But prawns are just my thing, too.

When I ate tenmusu in Nagoya for the first time, it was like I was just born.
I was so moved, like, 'What IS this, it's sooo goood!' (^_^)

Ah- Wouldn't you know it, my stomach was empty.
I just had to eat tenmusu before I went home.

P.S. Of course, I had to turn down DARTS tonight... I'm just knocked out. (^^;)

[ he ordered as follows: (big breath now) rice balls w/ batter-fried shrimp inside, BBQ eel on rice w/ soy sauce, deep-fried pork w/ red miso sauce (an actual nagoya specialty), fried prawns, miso/udon stew and a type of sweet made from rice powder. lord, YOU-kun, where do you put all that? ]

28 January 2007

[200] DARTS Shop - 2006/12/06 (Thu)

At long last, I came to Nagoya,
so I paid a visit to the Parco DARTS shop.

I'm always happy to meet the staff after such a long time
whenever I visit Nagoya.
We share our tiredness. (^_^)

And also,
'I know you've got a LIVE tomorrow, but would you do something for me?'
And suddenly, there's a crop of pinky rings. (^_^)

Yeah well, they always help me out. (^_^)

The limited release is on until 12/28,
so if you come to Nagoya Parco, please definitely stop by.
Also, someone will be there
every day from 10am to 9pm

so please come chat with the staff. (^_^)

P.S. When I climed out of the bath and stepped across it, I tripped, stark naked. (^^;)

[note: A? that P.S. bothers me. B? DARTs info to be found here: http://www.h-darts.com/ (lots of pretty pictures.) ]

[199] At last - 2006/12/06 (Wed)

I can sleep...

It's morning, already, huh...
Actually, I was playing darts after the launch. (^^;)
With the person who were there. (^_^)
A really tough opponent... And it was after a live...

However, Kansai food is truly delicious.
Every time I tour Osaka, I enjoy the food.
With the launch, I got delicious food yesterday and today.

If I only ate food that was this good,
I'd get so fat I wouldn't be able to move around on the stage.
Let's all take care... a little bit. (^_^)

Well then, half baths, half baths.
Also, no sleep... (T_T)

P.S. Let's get in the spirit for Nagoya!

27 January 2007

[198] Thanks so much, man. (heheh) - 2006/12/05 (Tue)

For the time being, the first day is safely over.

Man~ I'm really tired...
Well, I thought it would be tough tough,
but I can't believe it's this bad...

I got firmly into that bath, without a thought towards taking care of my body.
Everyone please take care of your heart. (^_^)

P.S. I got a lot of energy from the cheers and smiling faces of everyone in the hall.
I'll have another nice night tonight. (^_^)

[note: the stuff in the picture is some bath salts. and i know it's a little late, but: Relax, YOU-kun!]

[197] Not much - 2006/12/04 (Mon)

The ice isn't working that much...
It is really stunning muscle pain, but still. (^^;)
Of course, there's always been a lot of pain the next day,
so even though it may not seem like it, maybe it is effective?
I'll try sticking with it for a while, anyway.

With things still like that, at last, it's today...
Ah- I'm not prepared for the trip yet...
Crap, I still can't sleep... (T_T)

P.S. Tonight let's just have fun. I'm nervous and excited already. (^_^)

[196] Old ma~n... - 2006/12/03 (Sun)

I discovered skin grafting in the studio!!
As a health otaku, I had to try it out straight away! (^_^)

It turns out to be really difficult, though.
If you don't stick it on just right,
it just burns you.

However, if you get it done right, it's not hot at all,
there's just something like, 'kyu~' and it's grafted on. (^^;)

Somehow, the pain in my left arm seems to have abated...
I tried turning my head, and even this much was truly a soothing amount. (^^;)

I'm now icing down my neck...
If this would take the pain away, that would be great.

So I'm begging, ice, please be effective...

P.S. Oops, already tomorrow, huh...
Better shave my whiskers. (^_^)

[ * i think my lack of confidence on that last sentence is mostly unwarrented. i just have no idea what situation he's talking about. didn't they go on tour or something in december? (bad Researcher Meredeth, bad!) it is cute to think about him w/ a 5 o' clock shadow, though, isn't it? ]

[195] ......, - 2006/12/02 (Sat)

It's morning again... (^^;)

I almost forgot to update. (0_0!)

When I practice the songs at home with headphones,
I fail to get ahold of the guitar as I'd like before the end of the song,
and have to start over from the beginning of the song. (^_^) *

Ah- Today in the studio, I learned
about icing down my muscles.
It's apparently quite effective for muscles.

I was admonished to cool down my muscles with an ice pack after excercising,
and supposedly the next day my muscles would be a lot better!

With this advice, muscle pain, too, can be kissed farewell. (^_^)

I'll try it right away after today's rehersal.
Tomorrow, we shall see the results of the live tests. (^_^)

P.S. 2 days left!!!

[ * a? i'm really unsure of this sentence. the way the words are ordered breaks my brain, i'm sorry to say. also, b? i have no idea what he's on about in the P.S.s these days, but i am at least confident on their meaning. ]

[194] Box Buying!! - 2006/12/01 (Fri)

I got some supplies for the Epic Water Drinking War.
I've sucked down so much Volvic,
I bought a whole case in addition to my usual water.

Of course, when you speak of soft water,
drink 3 litres a day of Volvic,
so it's easy after all the Contrex.
Generally, before I got in the bath, during bath, after the bath,
I'll drink 1.5 litres.

Well, it's not a contest to see
who can drink the most water, but still. (^_^)

Before we get into some kind of hideous tiredness contest...
Somehow, even my dry skin is becoming scarce...
Maybe the effects of detox?

Ah- but in my case, I drink a large quantity of coffee,
so the effects of volumes of moisture and so forth aren't too great. (^^;)

The mysterious thing is, I have a terrible time with the water,
but with alchohol, I can drink as much as I like, with out a single mention of 3 litres. (^_^)
3 litres is what, 6 mugs of beer?

Mm... an easy victory. Or rather, I want to drink it... (^_^)
Well, it's fun if you ask me afterwards. (^_^)

P.S. Three days left of crying and smiling!!
Steadily breaking down, the heart and the body. (^_^)
After all, I have no choice by to go as far as I go!!!

25 January 2007

[193] glassess, glasses... - 2006/11/30 (Thu)

It's been a long while since I bought the Black Frames.
I'm still not too careful about my image. (^_^)

Actually, my weak eyesight is nothing to joke about...

That chart they check your eyes with, whatever it's called,
the guy tells me to hide one eye, like, 'LEFT!' 'RIGHT!'

I wonder how many meters back normal people can see in that situation.
In my case, it's only about 30 centimeters in front of me. (^^;) *
Because of that, my eyesight is so bad that I can't even see the topmost huge symbols...

That's why I'm so jealous of people with 20/20 eyesight.
I wonder what kind of world they see.

Ah- for lives, I put in some contacts,
so I can see everyone's face perfectly! (^_^)

I often hear from people, Doesn't not being able to see put mental strain on you?,
but actually, if I took out my contacts, I'd fall from the stage straight away. (^_^)
Besides, if I couldn't see everyone's smiling faces,
where would I get my energy from... you know?

P.S. Soon, it seems I'll be able to crash,
but first I think I'll take a nice bath. (^_^) Only following my own advice. (bwahahah)

[ * OMG! he's blind~! (^_-) 30 cm is only about 12 inches. ]

23 January 2007

a note from your translator

hello everybody~ i wanted to say a big ol' THANKS to everyone who reads this thing, i've been thanked twice now in the span of 24 hours and i'm feeling a little mushy. now i understand a little bit of how YOU-kun feels, i guess. no wonder he finds the energy to write a post every single day. (^_^)

in light of all the lovin' (^^;) i've located the comments settings and enabled unregistered comments. hopefully, i won't get spammed too much, and i'm going to make all comments moderated for the time being, but i'm sure our mutal affection for all things YOU-kun will keep us mature. or at least, at a tolerable level of fangirl-/boy-ish glee. (^_^)


p.s. how do you like the new look? i wanted it a little closer to YOU-kun's site w/out being exactly the same. the only thing i've actually stolen in his cloud image for the top. i'm not hotlinking, so hopefully he doesn't mind. (^^;) we now return you to your regularly scheduled translation effort.

[192] Well then - 2006/11/29 (Wed)

I'm not feeling that steady. (^^;)
Let's do it together... Daikon!...

One more week with no sleep, no problem!
... See? Occassionally, I pretend to be tough. (^_^)

Ah- some quick advice for busy people:
when you get tired, don't just crash.
Hip baths, light weight training, some flexiblity training,
constant body care is best.
The next day, your fatigue will be completely changed.
It's worth it to shorten your sleeping time.

P.S. Water is also effective. Maybe Detox might work, too?

[notes: 57 posts to go. well... it was 58 the last time i checked, so i suppose at least it's shortening, even if very slowly. if you'd like to know what's taking up all my time, my main blog is here. oh yeah, also? hello, negoto-san! (^_^)]

[191] Ugh... - 2006/11/28 (Tue)

No time...
And day after day I find some new flaw in my body. (^^;)

Well, even with my reasons for saying that,
I've got now choice but to 'do it' so,
as with everything else, I'll keep on going.

Training, year after year. (Seriously)

P.S. The blowing my fuse time has 100% passed.

[190] Dubfounded - 2006/11/27 (Mon)

Half a year has passed with Daikon-san. (^^;)
Every day he does good work, yes...

Also, every day, we smile and collapse (^_^)
at the response from everyone.
Truly, we get a lot of energy.

Once more, 'Thank you.'

It's only five letters, *
but it carries plenty of affection. (^_^)

P.S. Dreaming of getting a day off...

[ * no, he's not delusional about spelling, (^_^) it's only five "letters" in japanese: a-ri-ga-to-u ]

[189] It does... - 2006/11/26 (Sun)

really exist... A daikon kewpie...
It just takes your breath away! (^_^)

To my worn out mind and body, it seemed a nice joke. *
Somehow it seems limited to Kyoto.

Well~ thank you for being nice. m(._.)m

P.S. Actually, I wasn't able to go take any autumn color pictures, either. (^^;)
Right when the leaves started turning, I got super busy, so...
Every day, delusions of photography vacations filled my head. (^_^)

[ * i've really not got much of a clue what he's on about, but i think the previous sentence may have contained some pun on being breathtaking and making a toast. he uses the phrase "high tension" which means something is exciting, like that high tension moment in a cliffhanger or something, but i'm not sure what's so funny about that... the guy needed some sleep.

1/23 : yeah, spelling? what's that? (^^;) ]

[188] Yet again - 2006/11/25 (Sat)

With sweet things, and coffee, I can make it.

Ah, again, I ate a bunch... (^^;)

Ugh, sleepyyy...

P.S. At last the final days of the photo contest. You can still get them postmarked in time, so don't give up until the very end.

[note: zomg that photo contest ended like A YEAR AGO or something. well, not that long ago, but still. it feels like a year. i? am so pathetic]

14 January 2007

[187] For my health... - 2006/11/24 (Fri)

A mountain of supplies...
And with my physical condition not improving in any case. (*bitter smile*)

With it being about a month of trying to drink it all,
well, it's a little soothing, but...

Thanks to the Epic Water Drinking War (3 litres a day),
my cold finally seems to be out,
if not really down!

My annual changing of the seasons fever has shown up and knocked me out. (^^;)

I should just drink some Youmeishuu, * huh. (^_^)

P.S. It seems "bairitsu DON" wasn't well understood... (*looks into the distance*)
Well, I guess... it is kind of old, huh... **

[ * youmeishu is a brand of sake advertised as being good for your health.
** 'bairitsu don' is that thing i was talking about yesterday. it seems to be some kind of old-school slang meaning, 'things aren't getting any better and it's kind of starting to piss me off.' i can see how not being able to turn your head would do that to a guy. anyhow, a) YOU-kun's in his 30s and it's always cool to remember that he's closer to my age than that of my sister, and b) it's nice to know that famous people can be nerdy and date themselves with out-of-fashion slang and still be famous. (^_^) ]

[186] Temptation... - 2006/11/23 (Thu)

For dinner, futomaki! (^_^)
Please, have one, together with the Daikon...

Actually, my neck still won't turn... Seems like it'll have to become a habit somehow...
I've always been able to turn my head fine until now...

I'm getting so heated again! MAN! (^^;) *

Well then, shall we dig in to the futomaki...? (^_^)

[ * honestly, i had a bit of trouble with this phrase. he uses what is apparently some old slang, which i'll talk about next time, and i wasn't sure exactly how to say that in english with the same feeling. i've opted for using some fairly old english slang.]

[185] It's not Jomon period pottery - 2006/11/22 (Wed)

It's a camera lens. (^_^)

I learned from my friend and camera buddy,
'Pros use this lens.'
so, with resignation, I jumped in with
'If I wanted to buy one...'

You thought I was complaining before. (^_^)
Honestly, this is completely a situation of throwing pearls before swine...
Welllll, the lens is something I'll have for a lifetime,
and some day I'll use it. (T_T)

Incidentally, the photo from the other day used this same lens.

There was a little excitement, like, 'Oooh, I finally meet that lens.' (^_^)

When winter comes, I'll take pictures of the hot springs and snowboarding, and up on the snowy mountaintops....
Wait, danger danger... Again with the delusions... (^_^)

P.S. Two weeks later... I'm about to blow my fuse. (^^;)

[184] DARTS raw pictures - 2006/11/21 (Tue)

I got some commemorative unprocessed photos from CameraMan-san.
However, (when you say) photography, I'm not familiar with how many things are going on. (^^;)
The photographer, the photographee, things really are deeper than they appear.
Every time, nothing but introspection...!

It used to be I wasn't interested in motion picture stuff, or even photography,
but this time, I was checking it out like it was food. (^_^)
I said things nonchalantly to CameraMan-san like
'I started photography recently~' and did some intelligence gathering...

Meaning, the photographers work became fun. (^_^)

P.S. I don't look very pudgy, but... If I took my clothes off... YIKES. (^_^)

[note: if he took his clothes off, YIKES i think would not cover the fangirling that would go on. (^_^) ]

[183] Staying in bed out of spite... - 2006/11/20 (Mon)

It's cold...
What the heck's going on with this coldness, anyway...
I'm not done with my winter preperations yet...
God's being mean. (T_T)

Carefull, everyone, not to get a cold.
Warm up with a half-body bath and get to sleep.

P.S. If you've noticed, it's been a 10 day series of daikons. (^^;)
I'm thinking maybe a 'Daikon and Me' theme...
Or, 'Daikon IS Me'? (^_^)

[fangirlish squeeing] firstly i would like to say that we need a word in english like the japanese title of this post. it is: futene, just one word, and it means staying in bed out of spite. this is why japanese is so COOL. secondly, holy bleeding jesus, i finally figured out what the heck is up with the daikons! by accident i stumbled upon this blog (http://negoto.livejournal.com/) which links to YOU-kun's diary as well as my translation w/ this kanji (http://www.notuboc.com/blog/namae.jpg) which is indeed pronounced "yuu" and, yes, is commonly used for names, and (here's the cool part) can mean "actor." for those of you who are like, wtf is she on about, daikon is japanese slang for "bad actor." hence, YOU's obsession w/ daikon. yuu IS daikon. will you marry me, internet? [/fangirlish squeeing]

[182] Buy a DVD? - 2006/11/18 (Sat)

I'm not the type to buy DVDs too much,
I just rent them,
but when so many sequels are released to a movie that I like,
I end up with the whole series...

While I was waiting for the two earlier installments and the current MI3,
I wanted to buy them so bad!
My collector's spirit was aching. (^_^)

But, when I saw the latest one,
I had to go back and watch the other two. (^^;)

When there's time, I'm going to hide away and watch them all in a row...

P.S. Of course I learned my lesson with the TV drama series 'Friends.'
If you go for it and get them all, there's so many of them, you watch them once and don't watch them again.

12 January 2007

[181] Errr... - 2006/11/18 (Sat)

Am I getting tired? Are the seasons changing?
Maybe I've got 'a sty'...

Something spicy got in my contact lens,
and so now it feels like there's a thunderstorm in my eyeball.

Of course it's another excuse to eat some sweets... (^_^)

P.S. It got cold all of a sudden, didn't it. I've got to find my winter clothes...
Seems like changing my clothes out for the season is all I do. (^^;)

[note: what's this? posts? OMGs! ... ... ... yeah, i don't really have any excuse that you'd care to hear, but please rest assured that my current time stealing project has to be over on the 17th either way, so i'm hoping i can get back to these. i just found a fancy new tool that should help me translate these things a little faster by reducing my dictionary look-ing-up-ing [english? where?] and i just realized that i'm 58 posts behind. sounds like it's time to get my lazy bum up and translate something, don't you think? ... ... i know it.]

[180] Occasionally some class - 2006/11/17 (Fri)

I tried making some pasta.
Actually, it's a recepie
I learned from a master of Italian cooking
I talked with a while back.
The first time the master made it for me,
I thought, can onions and tomatos taste like this?
I remember being deeply moved.

The recipe goes like this: carefully stir-fry the onions
on low heat in plenty of olive oil.
When they turn brown, add the tomatos and,
still on low heat, cook all the moisture out of them.
Season with salt, and add fragrance with basil,
and, to bring out the flavor, garnish with grated Parmigiano cheese.

Incidentally, I also had fish today. Whenever you have meat or fish
sprinkle on just a little pepper.

If you've got the knack for making things that taste good, in order to bring out the sweetness of vegetables,
carefully boil over low heat very quickly,
use plenty of olive oil,
and also, buy a solid block of Parmigiano,
and if you grate it yourself, you'll notice a
huge difference from store-bought parmesan. Then use fresh basil, too.
Normaly, raw basil goes rotten really fast, so go ahead and use a fine powder. (^^;)

In conclusion, when boiling the pasta in plenty of hot water,
even though things may seem fine as they are, please salt heavily.
The goal is to get the boiling water feeling salty.
This way, the pasta will smell strongly.

Wellll, that's the opinion from all the masters anyway. (^_^)

When you say pasta, it seems simple,
but actually if the boiling time differs even 30 seconds,
the flavor is completely different from that of fine cuisine,
so dive in deep and have fun!

If you've got some tomatos and onions sleeping in the fridge,
definitely give it a try.

[179] Pakiiin!! - 2006/11/16 (Thu)

Instead of a towel twisted into a headband, a bracelet twisted into a headband. (bwahahah!)

Weeell, when I deny myself sweets,
my head feels like it will explode!
I can't keep a steady grip on my mood...

I'm wide awake at midnight, a naturally nocturnal human being...
Ah- because I'm a daikon? (^_^)

P.S. Morozoff and Juchheim presents...!
And also, I can use that glass container...
Probably good seller in Kansai.

01 January 2007

[178] Second Shot!! - 2006/11/15 (Wed)

To say honestly, I don't want to continue
the Sweet Things Series very much, but...
somehow, my head seems to want more sweet things. (^_^)

today, we have pudding.
I can't help myself with that thick, rich cream. (^_^)

Speaking of, they put a lot of cream in pudding these day, don't they?
I was raised with Morozoff pudding, so when you say pudding, *
it's the texture of baked pudding, as that pudding was, that I think of.

Well, baked or creamy, I like it either way. (^_^)

Well then, eat up...

P.S. Tomorrow I won't eat... much. (^^;)

[ * Morozoff, a hotel and restaurant chain started by a russian chap. (http://www.morozoff.co.jp/index.html) ]

[177] YIKES!! - 2006/11/14 (Tue)

The midnight hour...
Scarrier than monsters...

'Dorayaki!' (^_^) *

How do you eat just one?

Well, to my worn-out head sweet things are nice. (an excuse)

P.S. The Sweet Thing Series... continues. (^_^)

[ * a pancake-like confection. ]

[176] Hoo - 2006/11/13 (Mon)

Rest, rest...

Yesterday, I was joking...
But of course when a person doesn't sleep, things goes south. (^_^)

Sorry. I'll try again later tonight...

[175] Unused treasure... - 2006/11/12 (Sun)

Mmmm, I have no time to take a photo...
Finally, things are changing to autumn colors, though...

Please, take good photos in my stead. (^_^)

But it's gotten remarkably cold lately, hasn't it?
I like it very much, it's the season when you go to the hot springs. (^_^)

Actually, a long time ago, I didn't like hot springs very much
because I immediately got dizzy,
but when I hurt my hip, whenever I went to the springs
the pain that had troubled me until then softened unbelievably,
and so after that, I believe a total slave to hot springs.

Tomorrow, there'll probably be tons of people breaking away to a hot spring...

P.S. Lately, colds are spreading like wildfire.
I've been feeling chilly lately, like I'm infected. (^^;)
Everyone take care.

[174] A long time... - 2006/11/11 (Sat)

It's the roadshow! (^_^)

Actually, the other day I got the chance
to see 'World Trade Center'
and personally, it was the only movie I absolutely wanted to see,
so I was forced to go to the late show,
but, while I was able to understand the pros and cons quite well as a human,
well, it was quite good for people like me.

Love, harmony, humans, country,
it made me think about all sorts of things. Also,
it's movies like this that are why I'm always sobbing in the pitch black of the theater. (^^;)

Anyway, for some reason, after seeing 'World Trade Center,'
I remembered 'Backdraft,' the movie in this photo.
It brought to mind this kind of theme of 'mortality.'
Man is such a weak thing, isn't he. It makes you immediately empathetic. (^_^)

Incidentally, one of my friends saw Backdraft,
and was so deeply moved,
that he actually became a firefighter. (^_^)

P.S. My lunch nap was only 10 minutes... Sleepy...

[173] It's morning... - 2006/11/10 (Fri)

Good morning...
Speaking of, it's Hana-kun's time to make trouble. (^_^)

Well, the morning is dazzling.
Everyone starts working at this time.
I start working at time time, too. (^^;)

Just a little more, and at lunch you can go to sleep. (^_^)

[note: what's this? a slew of updates? ... ... ... ohmyGAWD i am pathetically sorry. i'm like two months behind and i have basically no time at all. hopefully, the holiday rush will subside and i can get back to something resembling normalcy. ... although not if my rediscovery of doctor who has anything to say about it i suppose. (^^;) ]

[172] I went to a gourmet party!! - 2006/11/08 (Wed)

I went to a meal with Shirota-kun (blog http://ameblo.jp/sirota/). It was the so-called 'Magic Line.' *

Because we hit it off so well last time, we said 'Let's have a meal next time!'
but we hadn't met in quite a while,
and today by chance I had two hours free,
and thought to myself, 'I'd like to invite Shirota-kun over,
but didn't he say he had a TV program to do on Wednesay?'
Then, also by chance, there was a communication, 'I've got a lunch interview for
Wheelchair life info magazine "wawawa," but if you don't mind, you can join us...'

Are you serious? What an amazing coincidence, but... (^^;)

Well, I went, of course, to Nishiazubu.
We ate at a place called 'YunYun' **
where we had their special tenshin ***
that they just introduced last year. (http://r.gnavi.co.jp/a237418/)
This place's tenshin were made from uncooked dough,
and they're particular about not using any preservtives or additives.

Well, they tasted wonderful.
While Shirota-kun gave his interview, a certain someone just ate in silence. (^^;)
Actually, I liked the tenshin quite a lot. Can I just eat all kinds of these one after the other?
I particularly liked the steaming lobster gyoza. It gave me that huffing puffing feeling. (^_^)

Once again it was a feast. It tasted great! (^_^)
We kept talking, and we were truly at ease,
but unforunately, I had work to do, and I had to deny myself some Oolong tea. (T_T)

I want to go to a gourmet party again. (^_^)

P.S. It should be a snap for me to win, but somehow I feel like I lost. (^_^)
Really large...

[ * i'm really not sure if that's right at all, but i can't find any definitions or clues on google, so... (shrug) i'll keeping looking.
** written w/ kanji that literally means "cloud art" the modern pronunciation would be "un-un." written as YunYun, it's got an ancient styling. you should visit the site, it looks like a very relaxing place.
*** tenshin: a chinese snack cake. ]

[171] Another Discovery... - 2006/11/08 (Wed)

All I'm saying is...? (^_^)
What the heck do I do all night...? (^_^)

But the Cupies are amazing, aren't they?
I just think of Tarako-chan,
and before I know it, they've got a Cupie version...
Sponge cake, Mt. Fuji, mackerel... There's one of every kind...

Could you please see clear to making a Daikon version, too? (^^;)

Ah..., I'd like to see a panda, too... Although I think there's one already.

[170] Not so clever... - 2006/11/07 (Tue)

Today, since I haven't had to get up early in a long time,
I am extremely sleepy...

I'm really tired, so I tried lining up
all the Cupies I've been given.

When you gather up this much stuff, you should probably arrange them nicely. (^_^)
What I mean is, this many of one thing... (^^;)

P.S. These days, people who have Marimokkori cell phone straps, aren't there a lot?
I see more and more strange sights...