30 January 2007

[202] Daikon Ring (^_^) - 2006/12/09 (Sat)

Guh... I, I can't move... (^_^)

Somehow, I made it safely through 3 public perfomances.
My whole body is in splendid pain. (^^;)

Even with this kind of muscle pain, though
I'm still moving around the studio.

So how am I getting steadily pudgier? (bwahahah)

Really, it was good for the parts I wasn't there... (^_^)

Well, it was simply overeating at the launch,
but isn't it that what excites the blood of every food fighter? (^_^)

If I keep this up, by the time the tour is over
I'll look like a kewpie. (^_^)

Oh woah woah woah... I pictured it. (^^;)
Starting tomorrow, it's a health regiment for me...

P.S. Usually my pinky ring.

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