14 January 2007

[184] DARTS raw pictures - 2006/11/21 (Tue)

I got some commemorative unprocessed photos from CameraMan-san.
However, (when you say) photography, I'm not familiar with how many things are going on. (^^;)
The photographer, the photographee, things really are deeper than they appear.
Every time, nothing but introspection...!

It used to be I wasn't interested in motion picture stuff, or even photography,
but this time, I was checking it out like it was food. (^_^)
I said things nonchalantly to CameraMan-san like
'I started photography recently~' and did some intelligence gathering...

Meaning, the photographers work became fun. (^_^)

P.S. I don't look very pudgy, but... If I took my clothes off... YIKES. (^_^)

[note: if he took his clothes off, YIKES i think would not cover the fangirling that would go on. (^_^) ]

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