01 January 2007

[178] Second Shot!! - 2006/11/15 (Wed)

To say honestly, I don't want to continue
the Sweet Things Series very much, but...
somehow, my head seems to want more sweet things. (^_^)

today, we have pudding.
I can't help myself with that thick, rich cream. (^_^)

Speaking of, they put a lot of cream in pudding these day, don't they?
I was raised with Morozoff pudding, so when you say pudding, *
it's the texture of baked pudding, as that pudding was, that I think of.

Well, baked or creamy, I like it either way. (^_^)

Well then, eat up...

P.S. Tomorrow I won't eat... much. (^^;)

[ * Morozoff, a hotel and restaurant chain started by a russian chap. (http://www.morozoff.co.jp/index.html) ]

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