28 July 2009

The rainy season continues...? (2009.7.29日 02:31)

I know it's supposed to rain a lot during the rainy season, but this really isn't clearing up... (^^;)

Even without the sun's coming out, every day has been hot and humid... (T_T)

They're just sunflowers, but they should appease the sun god. (^_^)

Just 10 days left... Really what should I do... (bwahahah)

P.S. Three years and two months have passed by, and I know I always say it, but really, it's alll thanks to you guys.

As a general rule, I'm a three-day priest sort of person (bwahahah) ah, but still. (^_^) *

When I started, I had all kinds of targets and intentions, (^^;) but looking back at it, I haven't changed a single bit, huh... (*big ^^; *)

Daily diligence... I'll write that in my heart. (^_^)

[ * this is an idiom that means he can't stick with any one task for too long. usually, i'd just put this into some kind of american idiom, but the idea of YOUkun in a buddhist priest outfit with his head all shorn was just way too funny to keep to myself~ ]

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