19 December 2008

Shaking~ (2008.12.20 01:17)

Everyone at Kawaguchi, thanks for the hot night.

Even for me, the tension steadily rises~

The nutritional doping of yesterday continues, but lately I've been having an upper drink while we're backstage.

A bunch of Red Bull. (^_^) Wings, right?

As long as I've been without sleep, I've been drinking bunches of this stuff. (^_^)

Man~ Today I did foot training in the morning, and I snapped. (^^;) Really, I was about to blow during the performance. (major (^^;) )

There was double doping of Yukeru with That Guy, and afterwards, we had some kind of quiet shouting match. (^_^) I've said this I don't know how many times, but seriously seriously, everybody, no copycats, okay. (^_^)

Well then well then, in preparation for the coming battle, I sleep once more. (^_^)

Until the next battle~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay... along the way when I read his journals from the begining, I must of missed hints somewhere when he talked about "That Guy".o_O' We all know Satan=Gackt, but would someone remind me who's "That Guy", pleez?