01 October 2008

Icing... (2008.10.1 05:03)

Another night, in spite of it's almost being dawn again, and I've got my nightly icing...

Man, my body really hurts...
It's like...

27th... Definitely a painting of a scene in Hell. (bwahahah)

28th... Bomb victim (^_^)

29th... Full-body slipped disc (^^;)

30th... I can't lift my right shoulder. (*major (^^;) *)

Mm-hmm... Recovery is slow, even ffor me!! (bwahahah)

Thanks to that, Billy, well, I just can't... (T_T) It's not that I don't want to, but my body just won't move. (^^;)

Today, though, I will make a full recovery... I think I can... I might... Man, I can, right? (^^;)

Well... setting the jokes aside, the icing is effective on my muscle pain. It's not effective if you have a fever with your pain.

I was only in that state for one day's photography... but really, with my body untemperd.... I felt that one keenly...

Today... I rise early and go to the chiropractor...

P.S. I lost three kilos in one day on the 27th. (^_^) Turning lemons into lemonade? (^_^)


Jen said...

That really can't be healthy -_-;;

Anonymous said...

What is Gackt doing to his "family"!?!?