11 December 2009

The Final Dawn (2009.11.30 02:30)

We were able to go out and meet this new expiramental Rakuen Festival event successfully.

In the middle of constantly changed circumstances, everybody had to make it up and fumble for this event,

but even here, from the shapes on stage, we seem to have ended with a big bang.

This success, not only for those of us on stage, for the dancers, us members, the staff and everybody, but also for people who couldn't come out to see us, people who helped us,

for everybody who influenced this event, the result of everybody's work is hot memories.

Ascending to the highest place on that stage once again like this, it made me proud. All of you built up that stage together with us, so please feel proud of yourselves, too.

I'm truly thankful from the heart. "Thank you."

Also, since we were talking about it...

In answer to everyone's cheers...

Decorated with the beauty of perfection!!! (*joy*) To all of the people who were helping us out, I send my highest love and thanks. (^_^)

Ah, maybe sleeping together is ok? (^_^)

I think I'd like to jump right into some more concerts with these tunes.

Well then well then, everybody, until the day we meet again. (^_^)

Bon voyage~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah, it seems they had so much fun. I love how humble he is in thanking the fans; it always seems to come from the heart. This band is truly special. And love the group shot, too!