25 December 2009

Tama-Ari School (2009.12.23 20:32)

I have a hunch that there was another name for this, but I'll call it what I want.

'The TamaAri School' (^_^) *

The Live is safely over, but we were in that box for a while, so

when that was finished, I was finished too. (^^;) For just a single day, it was INTENSE. (^_^)

So, have something from today's school lunch.

It was hashed meat and rice. (^_^)

And curry, too, I loved that, thank you very much, but this time I thought it was delicious.

Again, just as in our original concert, we had everyone else's lunch. (^_^) But it was better than the bentos backstage. (^_^)

If it could make up for concert sales after next year, that'd be great, huh. Takoyaku, yaki udon, yaki soba...etc

Then we can get some Goldfish Scooping, a lottery, and maybe some yo-yos. (^_^) ** We'll have a full on festival in no time, it'll be fun.

Maybe that's why we've got two more shows before we're even done with this year's Lives.

Everyone, let's make this the hottest Live of all.

Well then well then, fare thee well~

[ * tamaari being the shorthand name for the saitama super arena they played in this past summer.
** goldfish scooping is a game where you stick a few little goldfish in a big vat of water and then let little kids try their hand at catching them with a little laddle thing. the kids get to take them home as pets.

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