21 September 2006

[124] Go for it!! - 2006/09/21 (Thu)

Nesmith-kun is a recent friend.
For someone as amazingly shy as me, I don't
just go up and talk to people I don't already know,
but my first meeting with him blossomed into a conversation about PC nerdiness,
and it was great.
That's the kind of freak I call a friend. (^_^)

Nesu-kun is going to a meeting at a certain martial arts hall tomorrow
a certain famous group is holding public vocal auditions.
He's got a good voice, and he's good at music, and he's truly a nice guy,
so I really hope he makes it.
I already gave him some encouragement over the phone,
but one more time,

'GO FOR IT~ I will pray that you pass without fail~'

P.S. Those under the sod watch over us. (^_^)

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