02 January 2010

A Party on Fire (bwahahah) (2009.12.30 00:29)

Man oh man~ my fever didn't go down even a little bit, but at our traditional year end party, I was chugging down that sake,

and the next day, not only did I not have a hangover, but somehow my fever had gone down, and my cold was cured. (*shocking*)

Maybe that's the so-called alcohol disinfectant effect? (^_^) Plus my skin is all smooth. (*joy*) Sake can be scary... (^_^)

Ah, I guess I should say, all you good kids out there should definitely NOT try that at home. When you have a cold, stay warm and stay in bed. (^_^)

So, now that i'm healthy, it's time for some aimless wandering down to Harajuku...

I went to buy some sports outerwear.

By the grace of the store manager, I got a tidy discount. Dear me, there really are side benefits. (^_^) So I'll borroww this space to say,

To the mass of athletes around me, (^_^) I highly recommend them. m(._.)m

And of course to everyone else, too. (^_^)

So, there was some fashion underwear in town (^_^) but the ones I had for fatigue recovery were "SKINS," and this time I bought a supporter called "UNDER ARMOUR" to try out.

Seriously, though, this thing is really amazing. (^_^) Jump jump (^_^) * You might say it's a feeling of wearing a full body supporter, and I feel like my body's potential certainly went up.

People who do sports should definitely try wearing this.

I'm happy with mine, and went into training right away. (^_^) Incidently, I did more barbell lifts than usual. (^_^)

Well, "SKINS" and "UNDER ARMOUR" are ridiculously expensive, so when you buy them, there's a lot of hesitation, (^^;) but these really hit the mark.

I definitely recommend these to people who overwork their bodies.

Well then well then~ Everybody~

Sake for beautiful skin. (^_^)

And underwear for when you exercise. (^_^)

And it is with that sort of feeling that I conclude. (^_^)

So then, I've gotta do some spring cleaning... Just... great. (bwahahah)

[ * this is the onomatopoeia for a) jumping vigorously, b) being super healthy, or c) bouncing. i'll let you pick whichever you like best... ]

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