04 August 2006

[72] Today Might be The End (^^;) - 2006/08/03 (Thu)

Last week, I slept funny on my neck or something,
and at first, I couldn't even turn my head to the left,
but I just ignored it, and it hurt every day,
and finally, turning my head to the right started to hurt as well.

Well, I said, I just won't turn my irritated neck,
but of course, actually not turning your head
is such a pain (^_^)
and so it was straight back to the hospital.

The essential medical examination results,
said it was only an inflammation of the muscles in my neck,
but the letters on the prescription medicine they gave me worried me...

'Voltaren Tape?' Huh!? Maybe this is
Voltaren from that 'Nearly-Lost Leg Affair'?
There certainly was a suppository in that episode... maybe some tape, too...?

Mm, I detest bringing up the past,
but, if the pain doesn't let up...

... I thought, and slaped a sheet onto my neck w/ a smack.
Then, this amazing thing happened!
Exactly 30 minutes after I stuck it on,
I was twisting this way and that (^_^)
The pain had been smashed into little bits.

Then again, it might have been a little too effective. (^_^)
As soon as the pain disappeared, I pulled the thing off,
and now the pain's really dreadful...

I couldn't even update my diary for a while...
Can't sleep...
I'm writing on a semi-natural high. (^_^)

Aaah, I wanna re-do... (-_-) zzz

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