12 March 2008

[584] A present for myself (^_^) - 2008/03/13 (Thu)

It's been a while since a cable post. (^_^)

The other day, my friend came over. Seems he's putting together some kind of home theater, and he came over for a consultation.

I had a home theater a while back, with a projector screen, and the audio was louder than loud, but...

Lately I've fallen remarkably out of the loop (^_^) watching movies on my PS3 with an entry-class AV amp. But with stuff being pretty cheap, it's not like there's no one with this hobby. (^_^)

Nevertheless, my friend was moved by his first 5.1 ch experience, like, 'Waaa, really great sound~' When he went home, 'Absolutely, I'm going to buy one, too' he said. (^_^)

Actually, the insides of the back cables are more expensive than the outside machine (^_^) but well, the bottom line is your own circumstances. (^_^)

One more friend found~ (^_^)

P.S. Speaking of, I haven't been to Akiba recently...

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