24 March 2008

[591] mizu mizu mizu... - 2008/03/25 (Tue)

Finally, I have a server in my house, too.

I did really want a water system, but I had to make the faucets really my own. (^^;)

Of course there's Comtrex or Volvic, but I don't use gobs of it while I'm cooking, you know, so it seems a bit of extravegant. (^_^) But after some though, I went ahead and got a water server anyway.

My life already can't continue without mineral water, it's gotten to be that kind of era...

Well, when I was a child, the tap-water tasted pretty bad, but. (^_^)

Buying water is pretty standard these days, huh... Things like that are a little lonely huh...

P.S. It's morning again... (T_T)

[ the title is the word for water in different scripts, first katakana, then hiragana, then kanji. ]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Waah, he is talking about me XD XD XD
I can't live without mineral water too...I drink it more often than sweet thinks like cola, sprite, etc.