02 July 2008

Model Me (^_^) (2008.7.1 01:31)

It's been a while since I was able to take a photo.

Man~ Photographs, you know, taking them is hard, but being able to take it, now that is hard. (^^;)

Yes, that is a mountain of treasure. (^_^) Stobes, the maker of a pro photo. The brand name, I'm a little awkward to name, but they cost about a million yen a piece. (^^') * Well, for photography, light is life, so.

The well-known Tsuka-san. (^_^) ** Truly a learning experience. (^_^) Of course the topic of conversation was cameras and hot springs. (^_^)

I may be bad at taking pictures, but watching is such close proximity to a pro's photography was truly a precious experience. (^_^)

Yes, that is the also well-known Hosho-san.
He's always a big help. (^_^) Thanks for using robot me as a model. (^_^)

So, to end, the promised

meal out with Tsuka-san. (^_^) I hadn't had anything to eat all day, so my stomach was growly.

Eh? Drinking again, you say? (^_^) Yeah yeah. (^_^)

Well then well then, enjoy the drunkeness~

[* that would be approx $100,000 for those of you keeping track.
** unfortunately, not well-known to me. frankly, i'm not even certain i've spelled his name right... ]


Anonymous said...

You doesn't look a day over 25 =] and he loooks soooooo cute! i wanna see the pics of him now!!! eeeep and I like his hair.


Anonymous said...

YOU is sooooooooooooooo gorgeous!! I love his latest hairstyle and it looks like he's put on a little weight which I LOVE.

Anonymous said...

aww YOU!! he looks really cute in that pic!