25 January 2009

[admin interruption] in the meanwhile..

alright, while there's a brief lull in postings as YOUkun attempts not to pass out on stage (by the way, i was reading a post on some LJ community today (that i really cannot remember which one it was) and some girl said she had had a ticket to the feb 9er concert. i was like SUPER JEALOUS. she doesn't happen to be any of you, does she? i'd love a first-hand report!) anyway, while there's a lull, i'm going to Borrow This Space, as the man himself often says, to ask everyone a question. i've been toying w/ the idea of moving this blog-a-blog to a different system, complete w/ its own full-fledged URL. i've thought of doing this before, but i've never done it, coz i never had a way to properly wrangle comments. i recently switched my personal HP to this blogging system called Serendipity (my HP is here, for anyone who cares to try it out, and serendipity's HP is here, for anyone who cares to learn anything more about it) and i am liking it. it's got templates, like blogger, but instead of creepy blogger code, it uses php. not that i'm any more familiar w/ php i guess, but the part i really like it the ability to directly reply to comments. the more i think about it, the more bothered i am about blogger's lack of skillz in that arena. it's a blog for crying out loud, shouldn't i be able to reply directly to people who comment on my posts? yes i should.

anyhow, my question (yes, i swear, we'll get to it eventually here) is what does everyone think about it? the backend on serendipity's not really that much prettier than bloggers, maybe even less so (although it does have some awesome plugins), and i think i'll be re-skinning the blog to look more like YOUkun's current theme whether i switch to serendipity or not, so the only real benefit from the user end i think would be the replying to comments thing. anyhow, let me know how you think, if you care, if you don't care, if you're attached to blogger, if you think replying to comments is a dumb thing anyway, if there's some way to do that already that i'm just to stupid to have noticed yet (^_^) whatever.

nota bena - comments on this blog are moderated (because even one spam comment is one too many) so if it appears at first as if your comment has not gone through, please do not fret. they are merely awaiting moderation.


Anonymous said...

If you move, what happens to the old translations? I like going back and re-reading now and again x3

Otherwise, I don't think I'd mind it :3

Anonymous said...

I don't know if it's me but yeah I have a ticket for February 9th and 10th's lives.......... ^^


meredeth said...

all the old posts, and in fact all the old comments, would come along into the new blog, and this current address would automatically redirect people to the new address, whatever that turns out to be...

Anonymous said...

I dont care nor mind as long it's just as easy to use like this site and old translations are transfered over. If new site is just as easy and much more fun, I'm up for it! :-D

Anonymous said...

I am apathetic to the form so long as the content remains the same. Do whatever makes this easiest for you and I will be happy to visit and enjoy. :) Thank you for all your hard work.

Anonymous said...

Why don't you check out a Live Journal space for your translations? At Gackt Army community there is already a link to your blog. There is at least one link to a R & R II concert report there, too.

meredeth said...

i'm not really a big fan of live journal. i know lots of fans already have accounts over there, but i've always felt pretty ambivalent towards LJ...

Anonymous said...

I agree with other people, as long as the new site is easy to read and use. I'm all for it. :)

The question is, what's better for you?
