17 January 2009

Travel Diary (2009.1.13 15:16)

Thanks to everyone in Niigata and Kanazawa for the hot night. Really, that was a ho~t live for such a cold night. (^_^)

That was the first trip of the tour, and it's only with trouble that I would have carted my Mac along, so things were a little slow around here... My apologies. (^^;)

Actually, in Kanazawa I rode ahead by myself. To see Kenroku-en. (^_^)

I'd been on a plane since early morning, so I was too exhausted to take too many laandscape photos, but I spent about five hours wandering around Kenroku-en and Kanazawa Castle park, so when I finally made it back to the hotel, I passed right out. (^^;)

We had all kinds of food, chankare, 8 cups of ramen, white gyoza, etc... (T_T)

But from the company on the bus into Niigata,

I got this bowl of pork belly that looks like an alien house! (*joy*) First off, this is a new B-Class gourmet GET! (^_^)

Also, in Niigata, we had some delicious hegisoba.

Um... We're messy eaters. (^^;)

The soba we saved for after the live was great, too. You might say it's aborbed into the body with a slurp this way, and of course meals after all that movement are good.

The morning we got back from Niigata, the snow was piling up, and the world looked silver, so I was forced to remain quite local. (^_^)

Yeah, today too with work things, I came back with the thought that people could be charmed by the hair of the back of my head.

Aaah... Better drink some more sake... (^_^)

P.S. End-of-year 5 kg gain -> New Year's 5 kg loss -> Current trip 3 kg gain. (^^;) Man~ Trip flab. (bwhahah)

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