03 July 2006

[41] zarusoba - 2006/07/03 (Mon)

How does everybody like soba?

Myself, I've always had a fondness for noodles.
Ramen, soba, udon, pasta,
anything noodle I like very much.

I have a special weakness for ramen.
There was a time when I ate them six days a week. (^^;)
Of course, these days, I'm not quite that bad, but...

Let's forget I mentioned it.
Do you eat soba?

People always used to tell me that soba was good for my body,
but I doubted whether it was good for anything.

So, I've investigated all different kinds, and for some reason, 'Ruchin' **
seems to best for my body.

'Ruchin' has a kind of polyphenol that functions as an anti-oxident,
and so boosts the body's immune system, and seems to be effective at preventing signs of aging.

Furthermore, soba itself has plenty of protein, and it's good in
an amino acid diet.

All in all, it's just a really GOOD THING. (^_^)

Also, this summer's been so hot every day, so we should feel indebted to soba.
In summertime, people's appetites don't exactly boil over.

But is there no way to cure that thin body and cupie stomach?
It's one of the seven wonders of the world. (^_^)

[ * zarusoba: soba that is served in a little bowl/basket thing called a zaru. "often served with spices" my new dictionary tells me. probably could've guessed that from YOU's affection for it. ** ruchin: obviously, a type of soba noodle. i'm not really sure what makes it different, i'm not even sure how it would be romanized, but it is a type of soba.]

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