14 July 2006

[52] Once-in-a-lifetime Encounter - 2006/07/14 (Fri)

With the forecast calling at long last for a few days of rain,
some of you might be disheartened.

If it continues to rain, the desire to go outside may vanish altogether.
Still, try to take a 'sora' photo every day...

This movie is the story of one innocent man,
but at first, well, it's a little boring (^_^)
Even so, as the story progresses, gradually
you begin to empathize with him,
and by the end, you feel like you have
experienced the protagonist's life yourself.

Being happy before you get popular, and the importance of that kind of happiness,
is something especially important to me...,
one person's life can make people think about all sorts of things.

Rainy weekends..., isn't it okay to look back on things every once in a while?

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