30 July 2006

[66] Greedy Days - 2006/07/28 (Fri)

I've been worried for a while.

When they started talking about Macs packing Intel chips,
loyal Mac user that I am, I just couldn't imagine it.

Of course, as a Mac user, I have that sense of rivalry with Windows. (^_^)

I just wouldn't want to see it, the real thing...
It doesn't need any Intel chips! I cried,
but now, right before my eyes,

'Oh, this is the rumored... nice...'

It was love at first sight. (^^;)

'Man, I want one..., But I've already got an iBook...'
'These just came out, so I'll just be patient... Yeah... Oh but I want one...'

Crossing and uncrossing my arms in front of the nearest PC and grumbling for 30 minutes, if the clerk had looked, I might hav seemed a little suspicious.

Well, even my workroom has been taken over by my G5's enshrinement,
so, what do i need a PC tower for? I've been worried about taking the plunge.

For the time being, I'll have to be patient

until my iBook gets beat up...
Will an pointless monster appear? (^_^)

P.S. Ach, I forgot the roadshow. (^^;)

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