01 October 2006

[134] BBQ Sequel - 2006/09/30 (Sun)

Formerly cuts of meat. (^^;)
Those are some kind of huge...
It seems they were bought
at the base (the US Army base),
but of course, it's the BBQ capital
so they would be absurdly splendid.

And also, this time, too, I got a nervy
friendship performance. (^_^)
Again with that person's 'hand'.

Under the blue sky together for so long,
I completely melted. (^^;)
Well, every once in a while, even when you're not in the sun's rays...
The meal under the sky was exceptional, too.

P.S. For some reason, he even took the crusty part of the BBQ. (RAVAGED.)

[have you noticed the rush of bigger and better quality pics from YOU lately? they totally rock, ne? he must be getting more comfy w/ that fancy shmancy digital SLR of his... (^_^) ]

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