05 September 2009

Sweet Tooth Supporter (2009.9.4 18:49)

Lately I've been into these. (^_^)

These little zero calorie things.

Thanks to the tour, I'm completely fat (^^;) so when I'm hungry, I endure with these. (^_^)

Mm? I should just stop eating between meals?? (bwahahah)

Yeah yeah. (^_^) I recommend these for a really satifying amount of food. (^_^)

But, there's always nata de coco...

It's probably just me who thinks "It's kinda squid-y." (^_^)

People who can't quit sweets should definitely try it.

Well then well then~ Everybody have a nice weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for translating.

Where does Mr. You get these ideas that he is fat?

What is that in the picture? Is it pudding or yogurt?
