05 April 2008

[596] The promised - 2008/04/04 (Fri)

distant Eiffel Tower. (^^;) Man, luckily we passed nearby on our way.

I had a free hour, so I went for a stroll around the neighborhood, but right as I was getting to the gates of the Louvre Museam my time was out. (^^;)

Aaa... I just wanted to step inside for a minute...

But I'll regroup, and keep my eyes peeled for another break (^_^) and head out for another stroll! Seriously, the wonderful buildings around here speak volumes about the importance of history. Just walking around makes me a little giddy.

Incidentally, jet-lag is going strong. I seriously cannot move my head. (^^;) And if I don't get some sleep here soon...

Well then well then~

P.S. It seems that 'adapter' is a universal term. (^_^) Obtained Converter!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Poor them I really can't imagine they did pretty well...comming from japan the 4th...being in Paris the 3rd...and spending more than 15 hours on the plane...wow!