02 February 2008

[565] Incidentaly, - 2008/02/01 (Fri)

I was in a little distress. (^_^)

Thanks to the Mii, I'm getting a little attached to this Wii game.

So I say, but sooner or later, it'll be drawer fertilizer... (bwahahah)

This time's been unusually long, but. (^_^)

Well, I've been thinking about buying a new scale, if I ride the board every day, if maybe I should try a little movement, it'd feel nice, since it is first something to ride on~

Also, even if I move little by little, it'll be effective on my body bit by bit.

Billy is still pretty intense. (^^;) The daily muscular pain continues...

Well then well then... Aiaiaiai... (^_^)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Omg, You-san is a bit too much into it...and Billy too. My body hurts when I'm reading this XD XD XD
But give your best You-san!! O^_^O