04 February 2008

[568] It's the year of the rat... - 2008/02/04 (Mon)

but how about a hamster instead? (^_^)

When I was young, everyone had one. (^_^) When I look back, things like that make me happy.

Without really thinking, it seems I went out and bought one, but they're not too much trouble, so this'll be more self-control.

First, I'd better make myself not too much trouble~ (bwahahah)

P.S. Yesterday, I completely forgot to scatter some beans...

[ what, you say, does the scattering of beans refer to? well, here i am to educate you! (^_^) at the new year, it is a japanese tradition to scatter beans around your house, and occasionally take pot shots at others with them, if you enjoy that sort of thing, in order to scare off the demons of the old year. so what are you waiting for people, get a'tossin'! ]


Anonymous said...

OMG I have the same type of hamsters as You! yaaay! and him with with hamsters is just soo cute! i wanna see pics pf his hands again but holding his peys =] wonder what he named them...

- Rain

Anonymous said...

You-kun have bought a hammster?!? How cute...but don't they have enough pets ^_^'