10 February 2008

[571] HAPPY BIRTH DAY TO ME (^_^) - 2008/02/10 (Sun)

This year, my birthday is spent in bed... (^^;)

I'm drinking hot sake, and keeping myself toasty warm in bed. (^_^)

I've gotten well-wishes from a lot of people, even in this state, and I feel so fortunate. I truly thank my parents for bringing me into a world like this!!

Also, I will try to live my life to the fullest, to the end of my days.

Everyone, truly, thank you.

This year especially, is it okay to open the Morizou? (^_^)

Well then well then, unfortunately, it's snowing, but please enjoy your day off.

[ omedetou yuu-san! ]


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday You-kun o^_^o

Anonymous said...

Yay for You-sama!