10 November 2007

[495] A beauty post - 2007/11/03 (Sat)

I wrote 'This stuff is good!' in an earlier post, but I've been using these for about half a year now, and go out and buy some.

This stuff is 'GOOD!!' (^_^)

With relation to skin care, I've spent freely on the net until now, and used a huge variety of products, but this stuff right here can't lose even to famous cosmetic brands.

Plus my hair and make up guy keeps saying to me lately, 'You're skin's gotten so nice!' (^_^) *

Even the price is kind to my wallet. (^_^) Interested parties should definitely give it a try.

Next up will be information on lotion and beauty liquids. (^_^)

Incidentally, I was on a soap kick for a while, and ended up with several tens of varieties of soap. (^^;)

Now, it's always LUSH. Thanks to you all. (^_^) May I borrow this space to say, 'Thanks.'

Well then, have a good weekend~

P.S. I checked out Leopard's video. Now I want it so bad. (^^;)

[ * literally 'Hair/Make-san.' too cute! ]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aw he is so sweet, sometimes!
Men and their cosmetics...I would love to see Satan-san's bathroom...just to compare...hehe