20 November 2007

[504] Drinking PART 2 - 2007/11/20 (Tue)

Lately, Umeshu's been the main one, but actually there is some Shochu that I'm into.

And the name is 'Junkuru' (^_^)

Until recently I hadn't heard much about the brand, but I learned about it from monky of Shochu mania, and tried some as a test, and my reaction

'What the heck is this!!!'

The taste bowled me over. (^_^)

The aroma of mellow potatos, the refreshing taste, the mild stuff didn't feel like 37 proof alcohol. This, this was on a whole different level than the potato stuff I'd had until then. *

I think more than a few people like potato shochu, but along the same lines as the other day's Umeshu, I definitely definitely recommend it.

Man, I was changing to Umeshu after all that, and it seems I went and drank this stuff after all. (^^;)

Except, you know, even the Umeshu from the other day, you can't find at the store very much. Yeah, it always goes down with a plunk. (^_^)

I think there are many who go shochu style, usually straight or on the rocks, but lately I've been learning about the 'choi mizuwari' style of drinking from some people in Kyushu, which is adding a little water to it on the rocks, and that's pretty tasty too. (^_^) **

It's hard to get a hangover with shochu, so everyone please, have a nightcap. (^_^)

P.S. Really recently, I haven't been drinking that much... (^_^) I'll just have to hold off (^_^) until the year-end Hell party. (bwahahah)

[ * well, yuu says 37 degrees, and frankly i've forgotten how the proof system works, something about half as much percentage or something? so it's quite possible that this shunkuru is only 18.5 proof or that the system the japanese use is based on something else entirely, so let's not take this particular sentence too literally, mkay?
** choi mizuwari means a little bit of water-diluted-whiskey, so i would imagine the little bit of water yuu mentioned includes some whiskey. what a hard drinker! ]

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