23 June 2008

Bad bad~ (2008.6.24 02:49)

It's been a long while since my friend came to visit from Kyoto. So the promised (^_^)

sake drinking,

cherry snacking

and firm health drink drinking (^_^)

and the final sweets... (^^;)

Incidentally, the stock of 'Bar Yuu' is

needless to say, entirely made up of Houzan potato shouchuu.
It got high praise from my friend, too, and we're currently pretty well plastered. (^_^)

Aah... When we wake up, we're gonna have hangOVERs... (^^;)

Incidentally, I had a business meeting in Shibuya today, but wasn't that the most amazing evening rain shower? Thanks to that, I was comPLETEly soaked. (^^;) Seriously, zero to sopping in one instant...

Aah... I didn't take any photographs at all... (^^;) I was really in a hurry.

And it was difficult with all the rain. (bwahahah)

P.S. I've finished reading every single piece of shounen manga in existance. (^_^) I started on shoujou manga with 'Ba-Boom Tonight' 'Glass Mask' 'Leisure Club' and of course the big influence 'BANANA FISH.'

Manga let's you experience different values and world views, so go read as much as possible.

As for shoujou manga, am I the only one who has a hunch that guys have a liking for it, too...? (bwahahah) I think guys are Otomen...

[ Otomen, by the way, sounds like a hilarious manga, and just from the premise, it is no wonder Yuu knows of it. (^_^) check out the wikipedia page, and then post below if you know of any scanlation groups doing it. /me must needs read it! ]


Anonymous said...

I dare say that You-chan, feels a certain kinship with that character. XD

You can find scanslations of Otomen, here:


Anonymous said...


There you go ^_^ it's only up to Volume 2 chapter 6 though...

I thank you for the translations with this offering of otomen lol

wow You must have alot of time on his hands these days...


meredeth said...

aaah you guys are awesome. i pretty much don't have to use google or the internets, i can just rely on you guys. (^_^)