12 June 2008

Downpour... (2008.6.12 08:58)

The rain this morning was amazing... Thanks to that, my instrument's all wet. (^^;)

I thought I'd go down for a little rest, but it was some trouble, but even with my wet instrument (^_^) I thought I'd go take some pictures, and the studio was dark, but even with the lights on, I couldn't take any shots... (^^;)

The other day one of my friend's from France gave me this CD, but finally the upload.

My friend is quite the music maniac, so our topic of conversation is always artists. So this time he recommended some YOUTUBE music videos to me, and I watched a bunch of them. (^_^)

Mostly they weren't interesting (^^;) and it was a steady stream of 'ho hum...' (^_^) but well, even this one, when I said 'This one, isn't it good?'

He was overjoyed, like 'Really? Really?' and guess what!! the following day he went over to Tower Records and bought the CD for me. (*surprise*)

This seems to be a band that sells well in japan, but it's quite cool. I like it a lot. (^_^)

Aah... I'm slowly stockpiling CDs...

Well then well then, Au revoir

P.S. I'm still a little clumsy, I'm sorry for all the trouble. It's still a beta version (^^;) so my apologies. m(._.)m

[ speaking of clumsy mistakes and apologies, mis(s)/ter anonymous below is absolutely right. the CD was bought for yuu rather than yuu buying the thing. it's really embarressing when you get something wrong that you really should know, you know. (^^') gomen everybody. ]


Anonymous said...

Thanx for the translation ! ^^

Just wanted to tell you because I guess you would like to know : it's not him who went to buy the CD? it's his french friend who went to buy it for You. (because he says "kattekitekuremashita *surprise*"


Anonymous said...

ah sorry, i didn't put my name lol anonymous was "emi"... ^-^