11 June 2008


[ zomg! i totally did miss that post! I'M ON IT! in the meanwhile, please re-join The Army~
later that night: okay, post number 633 is back. i put it in order so maybe you'll all forget i missed it and i can pretend to be awesome again... (^_^) gomen minna~ ]

This BBS is a members only system. People who are not yet members, please click on "New Member Registration" and enter the necessary items.

In switching over to the new system, we were unable to use old IDs and passwords in the new system.
Please make a new account using the New Member Registration Form below. Thank you for your understanding.
How to register as a new member

1. Create a new account using the New Member Registration form below.
2. We will send an email containing your user ID and password to the email address you provided.
Please keep this important email in a safe place.
3. You may then login to the BBS using the ID and password in the mail.
The password is a random 4 character string.
4. To change your password, please use the Account Cancellation form.
In this case, please enter the ID and password mentioned in the original mail.
An email is not generated in this operation, so please be careful not to forget your password.

Warnings on emailed member registration passwords

* This site does not work with cell phones. Please use a PC email address to register on this site.

* If you register on a cell phone, depending on the model, the reply email may not be sent. Please definitely use a PC to register.

If you have registered, but have not received the password email.

1) Simultaneous access due to confusion about registration time (registration)
--> Please wait a while and then register again.

2) Security software has rejected the password email.
--> Please refer to your software's manual and add '@you-robots.com' to your list of accepted domains.
BBS registration and login FAQ
1: Problems with the automatic password email.

Q, Why was email rejected?

A, In the event that your security software recognized it as a harmful email and disposed of it, please temporarily disable your security software.

Q, How did the email get put in my spam mail folder?

A, When your email software receives an email from a domain it does not recognize, it automatically removes the email. Please confirm your preferences in your email software.

Q, Why did the reply email not reach me?

A1, The email may not reach you if there was some omission or a typo at the time of registration. Please register for a password again.

A2, It is possible that your ISP has stopped the email as spam. Please consult your ISP (nifty, ocn, etc).

A3, It may be that there are lines crossed or that there was some simulataneous access at the server level. We apologize for the trouble, but please re-register.

Q, Can I register with a cell phone email address?

A, Registration by cell phone is unsupported.

2: Problems with IDs, passwords, or logging in

Q, I can't input my password and I cannot log in.

A, IDs and passwords are in half-width characters.
Please be careful of capital and lower case letters.
You cannot enter the BBS if you do not input your ID and password accurately.
Please be careful not to make a typo.
New member registration

New Member Registration

Please fill out the form below. Put your password in twice.
Email Address
(PC only)
(Input again)
Desired Login ID (4~8 alphanumeric characters)

* We do not support cell phones.
Please register with a PC address.

Password changing / Account cancellation

Fill out the form below to change your password. Please select your choice and press the Send button.
Login ID
Processing Selection Change Password
Cancellation of Account

▼If you are changing your password
New Password
Input Again


If you are a member, and you have a question, please enter your 'Login ID.'

If you have questions regarding the publication of your login and password, please give us details of your browser and PC enviroment.
Example: Windows XP、Internet Explorer 7

Name: * required
E-mail: *required

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanx so much for the translation