03 December 2007

[512] Inadvertently - 2007/12/03 (Mon)

When our flight landed the other day, they opened up my bag with all my face lotion and other liquids in it, and they confiscated every last bit of it at the airport. (^^;)

I guess they did say you couldn't carry anything more than 100 ml on the plane.

It couldn't be helped, so I had to go straight to Matsukiyo (^_^) to buy some, but they were out of the liquid stuff, so I tried some moisturizer cream. As for how this one compares to the liquid version, it doesn't seem to be of any weaker moisturizing power, and it is quite easy to use.

But, seriously, the airport was strict. If the container is over 100 ml, it's instant seizure. The actual amount of its contents don't seem to be related.

Well, it's terrorism prevention, so I guess it can't be helped. Either way, I'd need some new stuff, so. (bwahahah)

When I go somewhere, I usually pack a stuff suitcase, but on the return trip I was just thoughtless...

Everyone, please be careful when you go overseas. It seems girls especially have a lot of cosmetics.

Well well, let's put on our game faces for the weekend. (^_^) Pack, pack... (^_^)

P.S. Gradually my body's growing accustomed to the changing season. (^^;)

[ well, i don't know what's up with 'pack' but i just wanted to say, i think that american camera friend must be wearing off on him. his posts have contained a lot more english lately. he always writes it in katakana, so i guess there's no way to really point them out, but i have tried to retain the actual english words. so, if a phrase seems a little odd, that might be why.

-- oh, also, i just got a new job, and the training is full time, so things might be a little slow while i'm having to wake up at ungodly hours of the day, but i get home fairly early in the evening too, so hopefully i'll be able to keep up. yay $11/hour! ]


Unknown said...

Hey, good luck on your new job!

Anonymous said...

Lol, no matter what You-san does, he is adorable. I have heard that english isn't his strong point, but he is right; a passion for a subject like photography can transcend all barriers, ^_^, bless him!
Thank you for the translation! Best of luck in your new job!

雪の華 said...

Yea... About the airport xD They just finished performing in Beijing... I saw videos of it and... OMG YOU LOOKED SO GOOD IN IT with his violin!!! They were playing December Love Song in Japanese and Chinese with Nell as a sub (? not sure) for Ju-Ken. >w< Poor him... Gakkun had troubles at the airport too xD Cuz of the metal stuff he's wearing xP

*_* WOW... $11/h... haha~ you are like a millionaire now (>w<)

Anonymous said...

Lol, poor Youkun, how much face lotion he have?

I hope you will like your new job^^ Good luck!