07 December 2007

[516] At the sandbar - 2007/12/08 (Sat)

I ate some crab. (^_^) The season's just started.

At first I heard a lot of 'Isn't that a bit much?' from the staff, but as could be expected, they were frightened on the rebound, with, 'So easily...' Well it was crab... Man, it was really good. (^_^)

Afterwards, well, the place was the place, but I thought they were charmed by the back of my head, but I obediently headed for a business meeting. (^_^)

At last we arrived in Kyushu, but just when I try to drink as much shochu as I can, they decide to set it all aside for Sunday. (^_^) But if I did drink, meeting everyone should be a face slap. (^_^)

If you have any recommendations on shochu bars or shochu taverns, definitely let me know. (^_^)

Well then, I'll get a little sleep before a gradual packing.

Well then well then~

P.S. Fukuoka is, as always, an energetic and lively town. Just walking the town makes me all trembly. (^_^)

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