15 December 2007

[522] A Conversation on Diet - 2007/12/15 (Sat)

At the meet and greet, a lot of people asked me, 'How do you get so thin?' (^_^)

I, too, wonder how I get thin, although if pressed, I'm not too worried about 'flab. (^_^) If you ask fundamentally why people get fat, it's because they consume more calories than they expend. I think chiefly, the balance of demand for and supply of nurishment has been removed.

Please try and re-think ... Do I need to snack between meals? Do I need to eat and drink so much? Does the meal balance need to be so one-sided?

Please try to remember the natural world. It's rare for an animal to worry about obesity.

Essentially, if they eat a balance of nutrition in good moderation, a human shouldn't grow fat.

But, in this busy modern society, the good decision to eat three balanced meals a day can pose difficult problems. Besides having self-control about the things you want to eat, the build-up of stress can be a vicious circle.

So first off... Lower the number of carbonated things you drink and substitute water. For people who drink a lot of canned soda, this alone can have big impact. * Things like health drinks or vegetable juices are fine, too. Also, please drink at least 1 litre of water a day.

After that, you should walk as much as possible. Motion should continue both before and after. (^_^) For now, please try to start walking. You can stop using the elevators and escalators, too.

You should seat in a hip bath every day. Sweating enhances the body's self-renewal. Don't forget a moisture supply though. Your flexibility will be at its best just out of the bath. This is the first step to overcoming fatigue and makes getting thin easy.

As much as possible, stop snacking between meals. Eating before bed especially is the worst taboo. For people who have a hard time getting to sleep on an empty stomach, try eating something small and healthy with a low calorie count.

And finally, don't stop after one month, or one year, or even two years. Even if you become thin in a short while on an extreme diet, if you rebound, you'll end up right back where you started, after all, you know? Continuing through everything is the victory. Take care of it by yourself through a range of things you can do every day.

These are just fundamentals, and you might not get any thinner with these tips, but at least you shouldn't get fatter. For people who have already been practicing these steps and haven't gone beyond maintaining the status quo, there's only adding to the momentum and cutting down on meals.

When I get fat, of course, the first reason is excessive eating and drinking. But it's usually unintentional overdrinking. (^^;) So I'm wondering exactly how long it will be until the flab passes. (bwahahah)

Let's all watch out for each other's health~ (^_^) Humans have no greater funds than their body.

Well then, have a nice weekend.

[ * i'm sorry, is he speaking directly to me here? (says the girl with the three-cans-of-dr-pepper-a-day habit. (^^;) )
-- also, typos are the devil's own tool...]


Anonymous said...

a lecture on diet LOLLLLL

This is my first time to comment and i want to thank you for translating You's diary as always... I really appreciate it *bows*

雪の華 said...

I swear if You wasn't in gacktJOB, he would become a dietician (@_@;; did I spell that right?)
I shall follow his advices to lose some weight *_*
Christmas is coming... I'm gonna get fat with all those feasts x3

Anonymous said...

LOOOL I really enjoyed this blog, I trully did!
It kinda reminds me Satan-san and his deep talks...I am sure You took at least half of it :-)

haha but I think there's something on this...

Kyuuketsuki said...

I found..another typo.... >.>
Here: 'A the meet and greet, a lot of people asked me, 'How do you get so thin?' (^_^)' Shouldn't the 'A' be 'At'? XD
Sayounara, your friendly internet dictionary/grammar-correcter, Kyuuketsuki