11 December 2007

[519] Haa... - 2007/12/12 (Wed)

I seemed to have used up all my power, and today I'm dazed. (^^;) Incidentally, I've got a second day hangover. (bwahahah)

I think it'd be a good idea to read the entry, hear a lot of joyful voices and then revise.

However, I'll smile like a diviner or a South Korean caricature or something. What kind of image does that bring up for people who don't know about it...? (^_^)

If I'm not about, Of course, we really should make some music!, is that a problem? (^_^)

Sort of a 'Wolf in sheeps clothing,' to quote my personal favorite phrase.

But if there are constantly 'wolfs' than you don't need that, do you?

Speaking of, recently, it's been all about 'Ookami' ... (bwahahah)

Well then well then, everyone take care of yourself.

[ things i do not know include but are (certainly) not limited to:

whether he's referring to the wii/ps2 game Ookami (which absolutely rules, by the by) and
what he was on about with the handshakes yesterday. did they have a concert in kyushu? ]


Ally said...

Ah, there was that fan meet-and-greet thing at the event in Fukuoka.

Anonymous said...

I don't know how helpful this is since I can't read the site (flash+Japanese text=garbage), but I think it had something to do with hosho-japan; there's something in their news a few entries back about You and December.

Their blog also has entries about whatever it was (it mentions Y-san, and the picture from the 8th is obviously from the other side of the table as You's).

Thank you for the translations!

雪の華 said...

zabe is right xD
I saw the hosho blog, and the pic with the food is from another view of the table xD