28 December 2007

[536] Three days left!! - 2007/12/29(Sat)

Bracelets, they're pretty popular. (^_^)

Only three more days of this year of tears and laughter. Really, this year went fast, huh...

Let's spend it with no regrets, what little remains of this year.

'This year's dirt stays in this year.' (^_^) ... If that's so, it's time for a major spring cleaning. (bwahahah)

Well then, those of you having end-of-the-year holidays (major jealousy) please take it easy until next year. (^_^)


Ally said...

And what sort of dirt have you collect, hmmm You?

I can't wait for New Year's! I want to see Kouhaku. *dork*

Anonymous said...

^.^ Yaya! End of the year ^.^ And now I understand the 'UFO' joke XD

Anonymous said...

What's the UFO joke? I don't get it someone tell me!